Presentations on Math Learning
Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England annual convention, Nashua, NH (October 2010), Marlborough, MA (November, 2017)
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia (November, 2016)
Central Ohio Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, Columbus (September, 2015)
Marburn Academy, Columbus (August, 2013; September 2018)
International Dyslexia Association annual convention, Baltimore (October 2012)
Everyone Reading annual convention, New York City (March, 2012
Pennsylvania Branchy of the International Dyslexia Association annual reading conference, Philadelphia (October, 2010; October, 2011)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics regional conventions in Boston (October, 2009) Baltimore (October, 2010), and New Orleans (October, 2010)
Ohio council of Teachers of Mathematics annual convention, Cincinnati (October, 2009)
Independent Schools Association of the Central States annual convention, Columbus (November 2009)
International Dyslexia Association annual meeting of private school administrators, Orlando (November, 2009)